Diagnostics Lab Meeting
In this week's Diagnostics Lab meeting we will be hearing from the IVD Industry Connectivity Consortium (IICC), which is working with government and industry to develop standards to allow for ‘Plug and Play’ connectivity of IVD instruments to middleware and laboratory information systems. Dr. Serge Jonnaert of IICC and Dr. Ed Heierman of Abbott will join us to describe the work of IICC.
In the second half of our meeting, we will speak with Charles Halfpenny, a health informaticist who helped to create the first commercially available electronic health records to feature laboratory order and results exchange with labs. We are looking forward to gathering his insight and experience to advance our 4-data-element focus (routinely collecting test name, specimen-collected data, result, result date).
This is the once-monthly COVID-19 Evidence Accelerator Diagnostics Lab Meeting. These meetings occur the third Thursday of every month at 12 pm ET.
If you are interested in attending the meeting series please email us at evidenceaccelerator@reaganudall.org.