Therapeutics/Vaccines Lab Meeting
Thu, 06/16/2022 - 03:00 PM
Beyond the learning acceleration of our COVID-19 Evidence Accelerator lab meetings, the Evidence Accelerator model includes “engines” of evidence generation. At the June 16th Therapeutics and Vaccines meeting, we’ll review the results and performance of one of those engines, and help jump-start a new engine.
- The engine that has reached its destination is the Medication Use Definitions work group. Stimulated by the wide range of approaches to identifying medication use within electronic health records and claims (when should one use NDC numbers? natural language processing? HCPCS or RxNORM?), this working group developed a practical framework to think through what approach to use, when.
- And the newly constructed engine is the first of our new set of real-world evidence projects. TriNetX will describe how they will approach describing the performance of COVID-19 vaccines. Their challenge? Describe breakthrough infections in both inpatient and outpatient claims. Join the discussion to help jump-start their work.
This is our once-monthly COVID-19 Evidence Accelerator Therapeutics/Vaccines Lab Meeting. This meeting is held the third Thursday of every month at 3pm ET.
If you are interested in joining the meeting series please email us at