Chapter 7: Communicating about Real-World Evidence


Once the target audience(s) is/are identified, effective messaging should perform 4 interrelated tasks:

  • Identify the science most relevant to the decisions that people face
  • Understand what people already know
  • Fill the critical gaps between what people know and need to know
  • Evaluate the adequacy of those communications

A clinical audience may want to better understand the nuances of specific treatments with diverse groups, while a general audience may want to better understand the overall risk-benefit.

Methods to increase relevancy of scientific findings include the tailoring of language, illustrations, and anecdotes:

  • Use analogies and visuals. Consider the different ways people consume information.
  • Address the question, “What’s in it for me?” to keep your audience interested.
  • Avoid jargon.

The “elevator speech” is an effective approach to thinking about how to create a positive and memorable impression in a short period of time. It is also a valuable exercise for researchers to ensure effective communications about RWE. When crafting communications about RWE, an author should be able to answer several questions clearly and concisely:

  • What is the topic or focus of the research?
  • What is the core problem, issue, or question being asked or addressed in the research? This can be a compelling introduction to the research.
  • How is the work uniquely addressing this problem, issue, or question?
  • Why is the problem interesting and important? In other words, “So what?”
  • Finally, what is the goal or aim of the communication? Or what is the call to action?